Saturday, July 5, 2008

the last day of training

Phew!!! Finished my internship eventually…Quite busy in the last week of training as to carry out many tensile strength tests, to complete the log book and last but not least, to start of the executive summary to be handed in. I have been scratching my head for the translation of that executive summary. Everything was in a puzzled way about…help me!!! Erhem…back to the point…I was very touched by the farewell card and farewell lunch on the last day of my training. It seemed to be happened once in a blue moon to get everyone to dine in together since some colleagues will go back to their home nearby for their lunch everyday. The little things from them really make my day!!! Furthermore, I was so happy coz everyone enjoyed the cake I brought them…

--1oveisintheair-- in a very happy mood

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.